Home Sleep Wellness How to sleep on holiday

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12 July 2023

How to sleep on holiday

#holidays #jet lag #sleep wellness

As summer is well and truly underway, taking a trip abroad to an even hotter country seems all the more appealing. With that comes a struggle to adapt to certain time zones or extreme weather conditions. This means that your sleep schedule may be thrown into disarray and you may experience jet lag or insomnia.

In order to figure out how to sleep on holiday successfully, we at Sunrise by Emma have created this guide to help you gain control over your sleep schedule, no matter your location.

Do your research 

When packing for your holiday, make sure you are aware of the temperature of your destination and pack accordingly. There’s nothing worse than arriving and realising your bedroom is way too hot to sleep, and you have no means of cooling down. If you don’t already own one, think about acquiring a duvet with a lower tog to suit warmer temperatures, like our Emma 4-Season Duvet.

Why might the change in environment cause lack of sleep?

Let’s explore why going away on holiday may disrupt your sleep and what you can do to combat any holiday sleep disruption. Being in a different bed in another country can also make you feel uncomfortable. This may be because you’re used to sleeping on memory foam mattresses, or using other sleep accessories that you may have forgotten to pack.

You may also experience discomfort due to the smell of the detergent used in the hotel sheets, which can disturb your sleep. You may also experience sleep disturbance due to the hot weather. While many countries abroad have air conditioning, the extreme change in temperature can leave you unable to sleep. Once you adjust to the temperature, it will become easier to sleep and to find a way of dealing with the heat. 

If you’re travelling to somewhere much further away, you may experience something called jet lag. Jet lag usually occurs after a long period of travel, when your circadian rhythm hasn’t yet synced up with the current time-zone you are in.  

In order to truly enjoy your holiday, and not be uncomfortable or miserable due to lack of sleep, why not try and make catching up on sleep a priority for the first few days of your holiday? That way, once you’ve overcome the jet lag or other sleep disturbances, you can enjoy your holiday feeling refreshed and well-rested. 

What is jet lag? 

Jet lag is defined by the NHS as disturbance to your sleep after a long-haul flight. It results from a mismatch between your internal clock and your environment. Your body runs on a 24-hour (and fifteen minutes) cycle, during which various hormones and processes are “switched on” and “off” again at different times of day. This is why you feel sleepy at night and alert during the day. 

When you travel to a faraway land, even though many aspects of your environment change, your biological clock does not (not immediately)! This is what causes jet lag – external cues such as daylight, activity levels, and mealtimes tell your body that its clock is suddenly wrong, but it can only adjust its rhythm by a few hours a day. 

How to combat jet lag

It’s recommended that in order to completely avoid or prevent jet-lag, you should gradually adjust your schedule in advance. You can do this by moving it forward 1-hour (if travelling East) or back 2-hours (if travelling West). If this doesn’t work, and you find yourself still experiencing jet lag, follow these helpful tips to find a method that works for you:

Switch up your routine

If you are experiencing jet lag, there are several solutions to fixing your holiday sleep schedule once and for all. These include manually inducing sleep by syncing your circadian rhythm with the time zone through napping or using melatonin supplements. Using supplements, however, are only necessary in situations where your jet lag is particularly problematic.

Avoid alcohol or sleep-disturbing activities

While you’re catching up on sleep, it’s important that you try to avoid drinking alcohol or caffeine during this period, as these can have detrimental effects on your sleep quality. While drinking can be a popular pastime on holidays, it’s important that you try to avoid caffeine or stimulants. This is especially important during the first few days of holiday, when your jet lag may be at its peak.

Take a nap

Catching up on sleep when you can is also important. Travelling can be tiring, and while you may not be affected by jet lag, it’s important to nap to combat any travel-induced tiredness. It’s also a good idea to stay in the same nighttime routine as at home, so as to not further disrupt your sleep.

Find more sleep tips at Sunrise by Emma

If you’re on the lookout for tips on how to improve your sleep wellness or sleep health, look no further. We provide you with expert tips and advice on how to improve your relationship with sleep, and how to ensure you wake up well rested and ready for each day ahead. 

Be sure to browse the high-quality sleep products and accessories on the Emma Sleep site, and experience the best night’s sleep you’ve ever had.

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