Home 7 physical activities to rejuvenate your mornings

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7 physical activities to rejuvenate your mornings

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Exercise in general is incredibly beneficial for you,as it can help reduce fatigue, while increasing energy levels and cognitive function. It can also increase oxygen levels to your brain, helping you to awaken in a more natural way than your daily coffee order. Exercising can help to promote the release of endorphins, which can help improve your mood and generate a sense of wellbeing and good health. Getting sunlight early in the morning is also proven to help improve your sleep-wake cycle.

Getting outside for an hour or so each morning, either for a run or a walk, can also inspire and encourage you to eat healthier and increase motivation.

Our 7 recommended activities

We have compiled a list of seven of the best and most effective morning outdoor exercises or activities to do to improve your energy levels and also improve your sleep. 

1. Walking

Whether you are walking to enjoy a morning coffee outdoors, heading to meet a friend or just grabbing some fresh air, walking can be a great way to increase light exposure and energy levels. According to Psychology Today, “being exposed to natural light by walking outside in the morning helps entrain a strong circadian rhythm, which promotes healthy sleep.” Walking can also help to improve your overall mood for the day and inspire productivity, and there’s a strong link between nature and sleep. What’s more, the data collected for the Emma Sleep Barometer 2022 shows how walking more than 1 hour per day can decrease the probability of rating your sleep as horrible, by 65%.

You can also try meditative walking, which focuses on mindfulness and concentrating strictly on the present moment without distractions. This is best practised in a quieter area, for example a park or along a river, as opposed to a city. Meditative walking has a number of benefits which you can read more about, here

2. Running

Cardio exercises are especially beneficial as they improve your overall body health. According to the Cleveland Clinic, cardio has many overall health benefits, including improved memory and joints, decreased cognitive decline, decreased risk of Alzheimers and Dementia, and improves blood flow.

Both walking and running are cardio exercises that not only help increase your exposure to the sun, but also help you burn calories, contributing to an overall healthier lifestyle and promoting better sleep simultaneously. A study published in The Journal of Adolescent Health in 2012 verified the effect of running on 51 adolescents. The results showed how slow-wave sleep increased and sleep onset latency decreased. Both these two factors contribute to optimal sleep quality. 

3. Yoga

Yoga is usually top of the list for recommended exercises, and there’s a reason for that. Yoga is beneficial for boosting your metabolism, supporting your muscles and lowering your blood sugar levels. Morning outdoor yoga also helps to release any tensions or stress, so it’s a great activity to do before bed as well as in the morning. 

According to John Hopkins Medicine, “Many studies have linked yoga’s benefits to improved sleep, including recent findings by Johns Hopkins that showed better sleep among legally blind patients who participated in an eight-week yoga program.” You can also add yoga to your morning outdoor activities, helping to increase light exposure too.

4. Pilates

Pilates are like more upbeat yoga, and they focus on improving your core muscles and toning your body. Pilates can help to promote mindfulness, and, like yoga, can help you to de-stress and let go of any aches or worries. 

There are several encouraged and recommended pilates moves that are thought to be beneficial for your sleep. The act of a few calf raises or crunches can actually make you de-stress due to the type of breathing you do when completing these activities. Pilates and yoga cause you to breathe deeply and slowly, causing you to feel more relaxed. These are great morning or pre-sleep activities, and make sure to take yourself outdoors to complete these activities. 

5. Meditation

Meditation at any time of the day is beneficial, especially when you feel yourself becoming a little too stressed, or you feel the anxiety approaching. Completing morning meditation can encourage a better sleep at night, as it helps reduce anxiety, promote positive thoughts and improve your day overall. Managing stress in the morning can carry through into nighttime. Meditation achieves its calming effect mainly through conscious control of your breath. Practising deep breathing with a specific rhythm helps to increase the feeling of relaxation and decrease anxiety and stress. 

6. Aerobics

Any sort of cardio is a great way to not only stay in shape, but also allow your body to release endorphins. Medical director of Johns Hopkins Center for Sleep, Charlene Gamaldo, says that, “whether it’s in the early morning or close to bedtime, they’ll see a benefit to their sleep.” Aerobic exercises, such as swimming or cycling, have an overall positive effect on the body and the mind when it comes to improving sleep, as they encourage the release of sleep-aiding hormones like serotonin.

7. Dancing

Dancing fits under the cardio category, as it is a great exercise to tone and affect your whole body. Dancing while listening to music, especially in the morning, can have a combined positive effect on your sleep-wake cycle, and can leave you feeling more energised and motivated to go about your daily activities. 

The article we have on why you should listen to music upon waking explains this in more detail, but adding dancing to your music-listening session can contribute to overall body health as well as decreasing fatigue and morning grogginess. Dancing to music you love can also remove any stress or anxiety you may be feeling and promote the release of endorphins.

Other lifestyle changes to improve your mornings

If you’re not usually active, it may be time for a lifestyle change in order to promote good health and help fight insomnia. If you usually drive, try switching it up and walking instead, and see if you notice a difference in your ability to fall asleep. 

Instead of heading for a coffee, try and drink water or perhaps decaf tea or coffee alternatives. Relying on stimulants like coffee to wake you up can actually be detrimental to your sleep quality later on in the day. 

Sleep Better with Sunrise by Emma

For all things sleep and wellness, check out our sleep wellness and sleep health collections for further information. Alternatively, head over to Emma UK to discover a range of sleep products designed to improve your sleep quality and help you to awaken your best. 

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